The Answers You Need
Where Else to download?
Besides Here there is only one other spot to download Our Liveries. www.lcpdfr.com is the only other spot to download. We used to upload to gtapolicemods.com but they recently stopped there services and when we found that out we were very sad to hear because we really enjoyed working with them.
How to install Liveries
Just to make it easier here is a video *NOT MINE* that explains in depth how to install custom liveries.
Do we make custom Liveries for people?
To answer this question, Yes, There is a forms sheet listed below as well on the main page that will allow you to submit a request for custom liveries. As of now we are only making a total of 3-5 Liveries per person just so we can keep the flow of our liveries as well. so all you need to do is apply down below and allow our team at least 24 hours to receive and review the application and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
***As of now they are all free!***